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Once An Offender, Always An Offender: Life Of A Released Prisoner In India

By Ashna Devaprasad 18 Feb, 2022
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Rights of PrisonersPrison Economy and InfrastructureReformation and Rehabilitation of Prisoners
Keywords: The cost of imprisonment, Prisoner needs, Rehabilitation programs, Post-release concerns

In a second part of the three-part series of writings on 'Safeguarding Prisoners' Rights in India', the writer highlights the systemic neglect of a prisoner's needs by the criminal justice system. While being inside the prison, the authorities provide little attention to proper design and implementation of rehabilitation programs. Programs are designed/implemented without context of each prisoners' condition, skills and wishes. Decades old prison manuals govern every decision regarding a prisoner's life. Post-release as well, the writer argues, that many prisoners complain non-receipt of rehabilitation grants from governments.