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Prisoners Are People Like Any Of Us. Here’s How We Can Ensure They’re Treated Like One

By Ashna Devaprasad 11 Mar, 2022
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Reformation and Rehabilitation of PrisonersRights of Prisoners
Keywords: Rehabilitation, Reform, Open prisons, NGO managed prisons, Psychology, ethics, and social workers in prisons, Norway

In the last part of the three-part series of writings on 'Safeguarding Prisoners' Rights in India', the writer discusses the alternatives and thereby possible reforms in the methods of punishment to bring our criminal justice system closer to being a rehabilitative system. The author uses the example of Halden jail in Norway where prison officials are trained experts in psychology, ethics and social work among other things and act as coaches/mentors to prisoners. She also presents the open prison system and prisons driven in partnerships with NGOs as other suitable models.